» Hazardous Area Services

'Making a Difference'

Hazardous Area Equipment Inspection, Installation & Maintenance

We provide CompEx certified / IECEx certified hazardous area inspection engineers, electricians and technicians who are highly experienced in the field of hazardous area DSEAR / ATEX compliance.

We deliver hazardous area electrical services for customers across a wide range of industries, including the Offshore, Chemical, Steel, Oil, Petro-chemical, Pharmaceutical, Gas, Water, Food & Heavy Engineering industries.

Our Hazardous Area Services include:

  • Ex Installation & Maintenance Project Management
  • Ex Remedial Repairs
  • Ex Inspection of Existing and New Ex Equipment
  • Ex Hazardous Area Inspection Strategy Development & Implementation
  • Compiling Ex Registers and Client Databases
  • Ensuring Compliance with all Standards and Regulations
  • Gap Analysis and Reporting of Current Ex Inspection Procedures
  • Explosion Protection Documents In all Hazardous Areas.

Hazardous area Inspections

We understand that many companies do not have the necessary understanding or in-house expertise to ensure hazardous area electrical inspection compliance with the workplace directive  ATEX 137  and  DSEAR  (The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulation) directives which address safety where there is a danger from potentially explosive materials.

Our hazardous area inspection services provide assistance with the compliance of electrical installations in potentially explosive atmospheres for new and existing plant.

We carry out ATEX / DSEAR inspections for clients that may only have a few items, to clients that have thousands of items for inspection.

We offer our customers well managed hazardous area electrical inspection programs which ensure that equipment installed in hazardous areas is correctly specified and has no apparent defects which may render the equipment unsafe for continued use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Our teams of competent hazardous area inspection engineers have worked in hazardous areas over many years and are CompEx qualified for explosive gases and vapours, intrinsically safe systems and combustible dusts.

We assist companies by independently inspecting and verifying hazardous area ‘Ex’ installations to the relevant international industry standards, regulations and directives and then provide our customers with solutions and assist them with a path towards full compliance.

ACMS - 'Making a Difference'

Hazardous Area Services

Leading products and services for the offshore and onshore industries


The ACMS team of E & I Engineers / Technicians deliver a fully comprehensive range of design and installation services for both the onshore & offshore industries, supporting customers operating in extreme and high risk environments.


In modern plant engineering, the control & instrumentation (C&I) equipment links all systems & components. It supports the control of processes & procedures, the measures to protect the plant and its components.


ACMS's team has extensive experience in the supervision & coordination of multidiscipline engineering design, procurement & construction management teams. They work closely with clients to determine appropriate solutions.

» ACMS is committed to ‘Making a Difference

ACMS is proud to be a member of these professional bodies

» Advanced Controls & Management Systems Services

ACMS represent a new age in engineering services for the offshore and onshore industries

SITEK Engineers


We have over 365,000 safe working hours on over 1600 jobs offshore in the last decade of business.

Electrical Services


ACMS’s team of electrical and communications systems engineers deliver a comprehensive range of design and project management services.

Design And Consultation


ACMS can deliver turnkey engineering projects from initial concept and design through to installation, commissioning, operations and maintenance.